God is moving

and we are moving with Him

Prayer Coach

a community of like-minded believers — people who are hungry to grow in their relationship with God, specifically in prayer. Weekly online sessions of coaching, teaching, live prayer plus access to archives and many other resources.



A short but powerful read that is perfect for your morning/afternoon coffee break — or whenever you have five minutes free to build up your faith and develop your walk with the Lord.



Prayer tracks by Paul Brady and other featured items. 



Online teaching summaries, and downloadable resources to help strengthen your walk with God. 


Ezekiel 47:9 tells us everything shall live wherever the double river goes and comes.    

Paul and Karen Brady passionately live to see the Kingdom of God built and Jesus lifted high among the nations. Many lives are daily impacted by the Bradys’ strong conviction that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world and the Lord of all. Testimonies of God’s goodness abound wherever they minister as His people are mobilized and activated to become all that He has destined them to be.

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Subscribe to our mailing list to receive the monthly ‘Pulse’ and updates of upcoming events, resource launches, and speaking engagements throughout the world. 


Free Resources 

Study aids such as easy-to-read, teaching summaries, and other downloadable resources to help strengthen your walk with God.

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Prayer MP3s

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What Our Prayer Coach Members say

PRAYER COACH is an online community of like-minded believers — people who are hungry to grow in their relationship with God, specifically in prayer.  It is accessible through a private Facebook group, for subscription members only. Weekly online sessions of coaching, teaching, live prayer plus access to archives and many other resources.

Subscribe to Prayer Coach

“ I visited my sister Katherine who is part of Millennial Church last April and God wove me right in seamlessly and I’ve never been the same. I thought too about how much money I have spent on things far less powerful than praying with me, teaching me and standing with me in prayer. No brainer. Love it.” M.N.

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“I had been doing noontime prayer call with Pastor Chris Twinn who mentioned Paul Brady/prayer coach and recommended that the noontime prayers sign up. I went home and signed up for prayer coach straight away, bless the Lord! I met Pastor Paul and Karen a few months later in Australia too! I was completely touched by their warmth and authenticity. Praise God for them and this awesome ministry! “C.M.

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“I started via Billye Brim and split screen noon prayer and a thick accented Irish preacher named Paul, loved his energy! I was with EMIC since 2000, what a blessing they all have been!!! A testimony to Double and double again…I just had a commission double!!” K.W. 

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Millennial Church. Visit us in Tulsa, Oklahoma.