Seize the Opportunity

Seize the Opportunity

November 12, 2022 Service Summary 0

Father, every single day, we get the opportunity to serve You with all our hearts.

You are the God who saved us, who delivered us, who knows all things….

You have so much planned for each and every one of us.

You said the steps of a righteous man are ordered,

Knowing that the paths were prepared ahead of time before we ever got here!

What a God — who made a way where there seemed to be no way.

What a God, who even said, “When things oppose you, 

I give you the power to remove them.

When Satan tries to hurt you, I give you authority over him!”
He is defeated!
And the Name of Jesus that you wear
is the Name that is above every name!…
No matter what’s happening today,
every mountain be brought low! 

every valley be raised up! 

Every crooked place be made straight!
Whatever it is, there is nothing too difficult for our God!

  • An elephant as a baby was tied up as a baby with a tiny rope. Throughout the years, the size of the rope never changed, even though the size of the elephant changed.
  • The tiny size of a rope that held a baby elephant was now the size of rope that held a huge jumbo of an elephant.
  • Asked “How can that huge elephant be held by such a small rope?” The trainer answered, “The key is what we did when the elephant was a baby. We held it with a rope when that rope would hold it.
  • The size and strength of that elephant would have snapped that rope in an instant. But the elephant still had the mindset that the rope that held it as a baby could still hold it as an adult.

Hebrews 10:32-35 TPT

32 Don’t you remember those days right after the Light shined in your hearts? You endured a great marathon season of suffering hardships, yet you stood your ground.33 And at times you were publicly and shamefully mistreated, being persecuted for your faith; then at others times you stood side by side with those who preach the message of hope. 34 You sympathized with those in prison and when all your belongings were confiscated you accepted that violation with joy; convinced that you possess a treasure growing in heaven] that could never be taken from you… 36 So don’t lose your bold, courageous faith, for you are destined for a great reward.

  • There were things that were done years ago that were able to hold us captive because we were childlike, immature, and ignorant. 
  • But now that we’ve become more mature, are those things that held us years ago still holding us today— even though we know we have the size and strength to snap that bind in an instant?
  • At the beginning of this new year, the Spirit of the Lord is ministering to us: “Don’t let things that held you yesterday hold you tomorrow.”
  • Those things you did as a young person — the Bible says you will forget the shame of your youth. That rope that held you as a child can’t hold you as an adult!
  • The things that were done to you yesterday are not the things that will determine your tomorrow.
  • Many of you have become stronger in the Lord and are increasing in knowledge week after week. But it’s not the large foxes that spoil the vine; it’s the little ones. A little leaven leavens the whole lump of dough.
  • I’m believing with you that no matter what held you as a child, it’s not going to hold you as an adult. Whatever was done to you years ago is not going to be what shapes your tomorrow!
  • You have the power to snap that tiny “rope” in an instant! You’re growing stronger, and God is your righteousness, your strength, your shield!
  • Meditating on this, I got irritated with the trainer. What he did created the mindset in this huge elephant.
  • The Lord said to me, “Your freedom rests in the power of forgiveness.”
  • We can snap the rope, but we’ve got to enter into forgiveness of those who tied us up — who created that small place, who hurt us, beat us, said things about us, did things to us. 
  • In this day, forgiveness will be one of your most powerful assets. 
  • Forgiveness is such a weapon in the hand of the saint. 
  • Company breeds company. The Bible says when you get around the wise, you will become like the wise. 
  • When you get around the spiritual, the wise, people who believe and are making decisions to achieve something in their lives — that is a habit coming off on you.
  • By the blessing of association, things begin to change in your life, whether you’ve made the decision to change or not.
  • What is it that is holding us that we have the power to break from?
  • In the power of the Communion table and by faith in the Blood, that which has been holding you is snapped off your life right now! You are free! 
  • I pray that a revelation comes in your heart of things you need to do and how you need to walk and how you need to see things in this next season going forward.
  • Micah 7:8 says that even though you fall, you shall arise, and even though you sit in darkness, the Lord is your Light!

1 Corinthians 13:11 NKJV

11 When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. 

  • In other words, “Those things that happened back then — I’m a different person.”
  • Old things have passed away; all things have become new!
  • We take authority over those memories that still want to hound us and hurt us — that still want to say, “You’ll never do that, have that! You’ll never make it!”
  • We take the mind of Christ today that says all things are possible because we are believers!
  • You’ve made us more than conquerors! We’ve overcome the world by our faith!


“Today I turn the page in my life! 

I refuse to be held by things that I can deal with! 

I’m stronger, wiser, bigger than what I’ve ever been. 

Things that used to hurt me can no longer hurt me. 

Things that used to defeat me can no longer defeat me! 

I take authority over fear, insecurity, and opposition! 

I refuse to be held by my past, and I embrace my future! 

Nothing on this earth can hold me from what Heaven has for me! 

receive Heaven on earth now in Jesus’ Name!”


  • For the believer who will not relinquish his right to the blood, he shall live in a place surrounded and protected by what only the Blood can do. Satan cannot touch the blood, for it has never lost its power.
  • The next time Satan seems to be getting the upper hand, make much of the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. It was by His sacrifice and the blood He shed that we were set free from the grip of Satan himself.
  • You must draw the bloodline and step over that line — and never step over it again!
  • Everything that concerns you is immersed, clothed, covered in the blood!
  • The blood will work whether you understand it or not, every day of your life until you go home.
  • “I believe in the power of the blood!”

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